Health Consultant: Movement for Empowered Health!

I've taken the Advice I've given to my patients for over 30 years and distilled it into this eBook, with video links to each and every technique to help you avoid, manage or eliminate Back Pain while on the Go! Download your copy before your next big Adventure!
Unlocking the ways we can treat our bodies better through self-help products, gentle movement regimes and easy to understand tutorials to invest in your greatest assets. Your Body!
As a Physical therapist Assistant, Massage therapist and Yoga teacher I come across self-help tools and strategies everyday. I'll share my thoughts and recommendations on the best products to empower you to live your best most pain free life!
Sharing the knowledge that I have accrued over 30 years as a health care professional in simple, easy to follow tutorials to help you invest in the health and well being of your greatest Asset...Your Body!
I'll link to the most interesting and promising News from the world of Wellness, Health, and Fitness.
Copyright © 2020 Body-guru/HealthyTips for daily living - All Rights Reserved. Please Consult with Your MD Before engaging in any Exercise of Self Help Techniques. This site is not intended to offer medical Advice.
This site is not intended to offer medical advice.