Our hips are the bridge between our backs and our Legs, when they are weak they can cause pain throughout the body. Follow along with this video for some ideas on how to keep your Hips strong and mobile. The benefits will payoff in spades!
No body part works independently of any other part. Remember that old song..."the hip bones connected to the leg bone" Your Hamstrings and your Hip muscles work together to move your through the world with ease. Keep them strong and Happy and they will serve you well for years.
Have you ever been to the Chiropractor or PT and had them tell you that one leg was longer or shorter than the other? In most cases it's not actually built that way, it's more likely that your trunk muscles are pulling the hips out of alignment. The effect of that is wear and tear at your Sacro Iliac joint which can cause pain from the back all the way into the foot. Here is a simple movement to keep your hips on track
You can learn alot about the causes of your hip pain by looking at your shoes. Watch this video to understand how the position of your foot can effect the pain in your hip.
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This site is not intended to offer medical advice.